Momma Bear Wins Battles for her Cub
Hey y’all. It’s been one hella last 10 days or so. Momma lost it a time or two but in the end, triumph prevails. Zane’s insurance doesn’t want him to have any scans because of his diagnosis and his active hospice patient status. But while that might be a NO to some people, it’s not a NO to me! Just means I gotta keep working to get my YES. And I have.
Zane will get his 2nd MRI since coming home to Florida next Thursday. This will be a very telling scan as we can compare to late July’s scan and look at the brainwave activity and have St. Jude take a look at the oncology side of things. So I’m very overjoyed (and anxious) over this news.
Also, we get to keep our same hospice team (it’s really palliative care). Fought that battle too. Win again!
So, having a stare at this sunset out my door, thankful I am such a bossy bitch sometimes. #MakeZaneBetter