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A Double ZANEBow Promise!

March 8, 2022

Look! A Double #ZaneBow 🌈🌈 over the lake!!

I snapped this photo on Lake Fairview (across from our condo) the evening of March 8th just after a rainstorm. This photo is just beautiful and we happened to be at Grills Seafood Restaurant celebrating the birthday of Mario, a dear friend who's also no longer with us physically, like Zane.

When this appeared, I thought of both Zane and Mario, together in heaven, laughing and carrying on like they often did. But it also symbolizes the promises Zane and I made together. Remember in the Bible, the first rainbow was a symbol to Noah that there would be no more flooding of the Earth. I promised Zane I would be ok and would carry on his legacy and life with love and purpose. Those are two promises I'm doing my best to keep.

That said, some tracks have been laid down for these last few days for #LegaStrings and some #ZanesLaw meetings are coming up! Stay tuned here, or on #MakeZaneBetter Facebook and Instagram accounts.


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