A Frustrating Catch 22
Greetings from Methodist Hospital North Tower ICU Room 429. Today is Day 11 of Zane being on a ventilator and I'm getting more and more anxious. He did great Friday with a breathing trial where he was off the vent on a CPap setting for 12 hours. That was very promising, but had to go back on vent air in the evening when he got agitated.
Now, we are stuck in a Catch22, where Zane is getting too agitated to try more breathing trials as he would fail, so then he's given Presedex to keep him calm and that sedation keeps him from being alert. This vicious circle has worn us both out. I'm pushing the docs here to just get him a trach tube and get him off this ventilator which is clearly uncomfortable and the number of "recommended days" has past.
I wish I had better news. All we can do is pray, pray, pray. I hear stories from all of you here that have had similar experiences, that your loved ones have shown far better progress with a trach tube in healing once off a ventilator. So, that's hopefully the next step here to #MakeZaneBetter
I did wake up to TWO messages of beach greetings from Michael Barrieau and Lisa Marie, pushing for ZanePower and a sunrise greeting from Keli Carmer Harlow. I love it. Today is a new day. Pray for progress!