Zane has been Extubated!
Big morning in Zaneland!! PLEASE READ!!!! We will be extubating Zane (removing him from vent air) right now!! Let's all hold our collective breaths for a moment to give Zane an extra boost of air on his end!
Update!! He's breathing on his own!! He's raspy, but who wouldn't be if they had a tube down their throat for almost a week?! I'm drowning in tears of joy and there is a team of medical providers here celebrating with wide smiles on their faces #MakeZaneBetter #GoZaneGo
Update 2!!! This morning was a success. There is no doubt. Unfortunately, Zane had to go back on the vent some time later I’m afraid. He’s doing great breathing on his own. He just has trouble coughing built up secretions on his own just yet and it was reducing his saturation level no matter how much we suctioned. It was a good effort and he’s still a champ. Just gotta get these secretions dried up and we can try again soon. They also think from a neuro and cardiac standpoint, he’s doing great there. We got this. Slow and steady we shall prevail.
It might worthy of note that I realised just after Zane started breathing on his own that Eminem's "I Need a Doctor" was on. These lyrics suddenly hit me as he was taking his first breaths on his own. Thanks, Em! He's listening!
And I don't know if I was awake or asleep When I wrote this, All I know is you came to me when I was at my lowest You picked me up, breath new life in me I owe my life to you
You've been gone for so long I'm running out of time I need a doctor Call me a doctor I need a doctor, doctor To bring me back to life