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Keep Praying...Another Cardiac Arrest.

Zane has had another cardiac episode. CPR was performed again and he’s stable again. There are multiple things happening but no answers yet. Zane still isn’t alert. He had scans at St Jude on the 24th. Clear. Please see previous post and please keep praying. Thanks!

Update 1: Not cancer spread as previously reported. Cardiologist here was referring to old lesions in his pelvic area which we know about and are not active. But no idea what's causing the heart issues. Zanes primary doc at St. Jude was very firm with them to stop chasing anything around with oncology and get the neuro and carido. But everyone is stumped still.

Update 2 (4pm CST). An echo cardiogram is being performed on Zane right now. His rhythm is very erratic. No idea what that means other than it’s taking twice as long to get a good read. When that’s done, the MRI team are waiting to see him next. The only new news is that thing this is probably stroke related. So, he had a stroke, caused the heart event and seizure. This morning no seizure. Just a massive drop in heart rate in which two minutes of CPR was required. Still a big question mark why? Lots of those actually. He’s still unresponsive but I’m with him and I keep talking to him. Soon enough, he’ll be sick of my rambling and wake up to tell me to shut up. And I’m okay with that!

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