So long Photon, Hello Proton Therapy!
Today was a benchmark day! Zane graduated from Photon Radiation Therapy!!! The first 20 of 30 treatments were full CSI (cranial spinal irradiation) and today he completed his 20th treatment. He was given his special mask to keep and we will sort out what we will do with it. For now, it's a second lamp shade on our lamp!
So today he went through a simulation with the proton therapy machine and will start his daily radiation rounds there tomorrow. More on that tomorrow as today we celebrate being 2/3 through this phase of treatment! His last radiation treatment day will be March 17th (St. Patty's) and we will then embark on a 5-week break until returning for 7 months of chemotherapy. We did get some travel news (or anti-travel news) today we aren't pleased about, but things are a bit risky with CoronaVirus out there in places we wanted to travel to with his weakened immune system, so his doc has ruled against our previous green lighted vacation. 😕
So, here is this past week's sock journey (and the photos to prove it, along with some MeshFace photos too): Day 16: Burning off the Crazy socks Day 17: Sun Studios socks Day 18: The IT Clown socks Day 19: Alien socks Day 20: Buzz Aldren Smithsonian socks
And, we quite like #RadiationMeshFace for a band name...haha! #MakeZaneBetter